Some professional challenges:

1.-Drilling Extended Reach wells in Camisea Project, Block 88 and 56. Well type "J" Cat.5 with Offshore in Land operations in Ucayali Basin going Through Vivian, Nia, Noi and Copacabana Formations. 2. Drilling Unconventional wells HP-HT in la Calera Project. Horizontal wells Cat.5 in Neuquén Basin going through Quintuco, Vaca Muerta, Tordillo formations. 3. Drilling Wildcats Exploration Wells in Ene Basin. Vertical wells, Cat.5 going Through Chonta, Raya, Cushabatay, Ambo formations. 4. Drilling Tight gas wells in Centenario Field. Wells type "S". Cat.3 in Neuquén Basin. Quintuco, Molles and Lajas formations. 5.Drilling Exploratory well in Angola. Vertical Wells Cat.4 in Congo Basin going through Pinda, Loeme ( evaporite), Lucula, Bucomazi, Mayombe Formations. 6. Drilling wells campaigns in the Jungle, Yanayacu, Corrientes, Jibarito and Capahuari Sur Fields. Wells type horizontal Cat.3 with offshore in Land in Marañon Basin going through Pebas, Chambira, Yahuarango, Vivian, Chonta, Agua Caliente, Raya, cushabatay formations. 7. Drilling Reentry wells campaign in the jungle in Corrientes, Capahuari Sur and Pavayacu Fields in Marañon Basin. Wells Cat3. Going through Lower Red Beds, Cachiyacu, Vivian formations. 8. Drilling training in Talara Basin. Vertical Wells Cat2. Marginal field going through Verdum, Pariñas Sup, Mogollon, Basal Salinas formations. 9. Training in Production in the jungle as design engineer in electric sumergible pump , gas lift and then as a Battery operator in Corrientes, Pavayacu and Saramuro, trainning in CCTQ, some challenges with heavy oil production ( 15 API) water drive reservoirs. 10. Start-up Family Business about Energy ABV Ingenieros Consultores SAC, about rural Electrification projects. Co-Founder ( Not related to the hydrocarbon sector).

Thursday, October 22, 2020



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